bliss balls - chocolate - raw

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bliss balls - chocolate - raw
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  • Para veganos

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Preparación de la receta "bliss balls - chocolate - raw"

Put all the ingredients into the Vitamix 2L container in the order listed and secure the lid.Turn your variable speed dial to 10 and pulse the machine on and off 5 times for 3 seconds each time.Select Variable 1. Turn the machine on and quickly increase the speed to 10, then override to High.Use tamper really well to press the ingredients into the blades.Blend until you have a nice dough consistency.Roll the balls in any extra shredded coconut to coat and place on a plate lined with grease proof paper.Set the truffles in the freezer for about an hour and take out just before serving.

Composición nutricional por 100 grs.

Composición Cantidad (gr) CDR(%)
Kcalorías 111.06 5.8
Carbohidratos 8.24 2.6
Proteínas 1.63 3.4
Fibra 2.31 7.7
Grasas 7.79 14.7
Minerales Cantidad (mg) CDR(%)
Sodio 72.09 4.5
Calcio 34.32 2.9
Hierro 0.57 7.1
Magnesio 22.15 5.3
Fósforo 50.81 7.3
Potasio 119.76 6
Vitaminas Cantidad (mg) CDR(%)
Vitamina A 0.72 80.1
Vitamina B1 0.04 2.9
Vitamina B2 0.05 4.2
Vitamina B3 0.67 0
Vitamina B12 0 0
Vitamina C 0.61 0.7%
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